We Have Riddled !

Each year we use around 150 large bags of mulch to cover the beds after we plant the summer bedding. We get this from the generosity of the wood yard at Iron Mill who let us take a large quantity of their rotted wood chippings. However, these chippings have many large lumps in and so we need to sieve these to remove the large pieces and end up with a beautiful mulch. We use a contraption that Heath Robinson would be proud of. Take one old plate wacker (the sort they put block pavers down with) attach it to a large metal mesh sheet, weld it to some iron tubes so it can be lifted by the forks on a tractor and BINGO! One large, loud vibrating plate on which to shovel a few tons of wood chippings and “Riddle” them. All of this riddled mulch is then shovelled into bags, ready for transporting to the flower beds.
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